The objectives of sustainable development in Egypt have more distinct indicators that concentrate on quantifiable results, and they will be action-oriented, universal, and applicable to everyone. They also take into account the various facts, national development levels, and capacities while respecting national policies and priorities.
What Exactly Is Sustainable Development?
Sustainable development is a nation’s economic growth strategy without sacrificing the environment’s quality for present and future generations. The cost of environmental harm is paid in the form of deforestation, air and water pollution, soil erosion, and other environmental deterioration in the name of economic progress. The adverse effects can outweigh the benefits of producing more high-quality goods and services.
Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) has adopted the sustainable development principle as a general framework for enhancing welfare and quality of life while considering the rights of future generations to a prosperous existence.
The ability of future generations to meet their own needs is not compromised when current demands are met through sustainable development. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) each have predetermined objectives that must be met by 2030.
3 Pillars For Sustainable Development In Egypt
Various pillars for the sustainable development plan of Egypt will help accomplish it. But certain aspects play the most vital role. Here are the three pillars of sustainable development in Egypt:
- Economic
Egypt’s economic vision for 2030 is to have a market economy that is well-balanced, knowledge-based, competitive, diverse, and marked by a stable macroeconomic environment, all of which will allow for sustained, inclusive development. A world power that actively responds to global trends maximizes value-added, creates suitable employment for its citizens, and has a real GDP per capita that rivals that of high-income nations.
They aim to have an energy sector that helps the economy expand, is competitive, promotes social justice, and protects the environment while also fulfilling the needs of future generations by making the most effective use of the many different types of energy resources available. A cutting-edge industry that can anticipate and respond to domestic, regional, and global changes while adhering to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Social
Egypt’s long-term goal is to have everyone equal access to economic, social, and political possibilities by 2030. They want to establish a society that guarantees its inhabitants equal protection under the law and promotes economic and social mobility based on individual merit—a safe and welcoming community where those on the periphery may feel safe and secure.
A universal, affordable, high-quality healthcare system that can improve health problems via early intervention and preventative coverage is essential if all Egyptians live long, happy, and fulfilling lives—protecting the most vulnerable while satisfying healthcare consumers and providers. The result will be social and economic growth, wealth, and happiness, positioning Egypt to become a medical innovation and operation hub for the Arab world and Africa.
They want a system of high-quality education and training accessible to everyone without bias and operates within an institutional framework that is effective, fair, sustainable, and adaptable—equipping students and trainees with the technical and technological resources they need to think creatively.
They want to establish a set of good cultural norms that recognizes and celebrates individuality—providing residents with information and enhancing their ability to adapt to changing circumstances while honoring established traditions.
- Environmental
To protect natural resources, promote their efficient usage development, and safeguard the rights of future generations, these advocates are working to incorporate environmental considerations into all areas of the economy. A clean, safe, and healthy environment encourages the development of a wide range of economic activities, therefore boosting competitiveness, creating new employment opportunities, eradicating poverty, and bringing about more social justice.
The people of this area want to one day live in a place where population growth is managed with the conservation of natural resources.
Final Word
With welfare and prosperity as the primary economic goals to be attained through sustainable development in Egypt, social fairness, and a balanced, geographical, and sectoral expansion, Egypt Vision 2030 is a step toward inclusive growth. Economic, social, and environmental issues are the three critical facets of the Sustainable Development Strategy (Egyptian Ministry of Planning Website).
All parties must work together to achieve those aims, including the government, civic society, the commercial sector, and the general public. Only at a global scale and by fostering sustainable development can the world’s problems—including climate change, water scarcity, inequality, and hunger—be overcome.