In this new article at Seeders Media, we introduce and explain the crucial concept of decentralized energy, a key strategy for the ecological transition of businesses and public authorities.
What is decentralized energy?
A decentralized energy system is characterized by locating of energy production facilities closer to the site of energy consumption. A decentralized energy system allows for more optimal use of renewable energy as well as combined heat and power, reduces fossil fuel use and increases eco-efficiency.
A strategy that works
This decentralization strategy is a new approach in the power industry in most countries. Traditionally, the power industry has focused on developing large, central power stations and transmitting generation loads across long transmission and distribution lines to consumers in the region. Decentralized energy systems seek to put power sources closer to the end user. End users are spread across a region, so sourcing energy generation in a similar decentralized manner can reduce the transmission and distribution inefficiencies and related economic and environmental costs.
In addition, decentralized energy systems can be used as a supplementary measure to the existing centralized energy system, together with promising opportunities for deploying renewable energy sources locally available as well as for expanding access to clean energy services to remote communities.
Seeders vision
Nowadays global energy trading market is causing rising costs, international instabilities and lack of independent and local energy management systems. Therefore including companies and public authorities in crisis conditions all over the world.
Decentralized energy management system, proposed by Seeders Capital, is the key to solve many of these problems. First of all by providing financial facilities while reducing environmental pollution by a lot.
Seeders Capital takes care of different energy management systems, to take care of this complexity and make sure that decentralized energy systems work in the right way.
Benefits that count
Adopting decentralized energy management systems with Seeders will therefore lead to many strategic benefits, since companies will be able to increase their income and investment rates.
Another key benefit which needs to be taken into account is the ability to be more self-sufficient in order to be more resilient to nowadays fast-changing market trends, also bearing supply chain hikes way better than before, without including uncomfortable consequences with customers.
That’s why decentralized energy management systems will be able to increase and reinforce the customers base, allowing companies to have a better and more trusted audience, therefore leading to a better market positioning.
The Seeders Capital Clean Energy Zone model will help both enterprises and public authorities reaching all the above benefits, to let businesses reach:
⦁ stable employment rates thanks to a better market positioning, which will lead to a better corporate social responsibility;
⦁ lower inflation brought by safer energy supplies and more sustainable investments;
⦁ more expanded customer base with a safer and higher spending;
⦁ a resulting higher productivity thanks to all the benefits above.
Decentralizing technology are increasing more and more in numbers and typologies in different fields like solar, water, air, waste and wind, that’s why Seeders has been working on Clean Air Zones, Zero Waste Zones, Clean Energy Zones and ESG consultancy.
Being self-sufficient thanks to decentralized energy management systems, even leads to an increasingly lower risk of climate change events, together with strengthening cyber security thanks to smaller and safer energy streams.
Seeders Capital is then proposing strategies for stronger and safer financial positions, strengthening companies’ investments.